Wake County Court

Find Court Resources in Wake County

336 Fayetteville Street Raleigh, NC

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County Resources

Welcome to the Wakecountycourt.org. Here you will find a public records search that includes: marriage, divorce, criminal, arrests, mugshots, missing persons & more. DISCLAIMER: Wakecountycourt.org is not operated by, affiliated or associated with any local, state, or federal government or agency. Wakecountycourt.org works with a aggregation company called PeopleConnect, that collects government-generated records from public sources and provides fast, easy, and inexpensive access to those records. Because those records are subject to change by the original sources, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of the content offered. Wakecountycourt.org is not a consumer reporting company as defined by The Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 USC § 1681 et seq, and cannot be used for the purposes of establishing credit worthiness, employment background checks, tenant screenings, or evaluation of risk related to business transactions. Avoid using Wakecountycourt.org for criminal purposes such as stalking or identity theft, as such utilizations are subject to civil or criminal charges and penalties. Users must agree with the PeopleConnect terms of service before making use of the service.

Wake County, at the 2020 census, had a population of 1,130,000. It is the most populated county in the United States and is the 9th fastest growing communities, in the United States. The county seat is Raleigh and the largest town is Cary. The county is governed by the Wake County Board of Commissioners and is part of the Triangle J. Council of Governments.
The last battle of the Civil War was the Battle At Morrisville Station on April 13-15, 1865.

The economy of Wake County is framed by the area located in the Research Triangle located between Durham and Raleigh. The area is home to more than 160 companies who employ over 50,000 people.


The county courthouse was built in 1915, and another courthouse was built in 1970.
The Wake County Courthouse is a fifteen story Art Deco style office building County Clerk was constructed on the same site as the previous courthouses. The building is located in the center of Raleigh and the east front has a central recessed entrance and the entrance exhibits the country crest above the doors.

County Clerk

The County Clerk’s office is located at:
Wake County Clerk
PO Box 5550
Raleigh, Noth Carolina, 27602

Register of Deeds:
Tammy L. Brunner
The office handles vital statistics, land records, voter registration, county records, Freedom of Information requests, and the annual budget.

District Court

District Cour in Wake County hears cases involving civil, criminal, juvenile, and magistrate matters. District courts in North Carolina are divided into 43 districts and are located in the county seat of each county. They also preside in certain other cities and towns specifically authorized by the General Assembly. The district court districts are not grouped into larger judicial divisions. Each administrative district court district includes a chief district court judge who is the manager of the court.

Superior or Magistrate Court

Wake County Superior Court is located at
Wake County Courthouse
316 Fayetteville Street Mail, PO Box 351
Raleigh, NC 27602

Superior courts are some of the oldest courts in North Carolina. This court hears civil and criminal cases. The Superior court is divided into five divisions and 48 districts across the state. Every six months, superior court judges rotate among the districts within their divisions. The rotation system is provided to minimize conflicts of interest. Each administrative superior court district has a senior resident superior court judge who manages the administrative duties of the court.
Superior Court Administer is Lisa R. Tucker.

All proposed orders including consent order and judgments that need to be reviewed by a Superior Court Judge need to be submitted pursuant to the Civil Superior Proposed Order Process.

Civil Court

Civil Court is involved in cases heard by a jury if a party request one. Certain cases are decided by a judge without a jury, such as in child custody cases. The following types of civil cases are heard in district court.

  • Divorces
  • Child Custody
  • Child Support
  • Cases involvingless than $25,000

Felony Drug Court

Felony Drug Cour is called the Recovery Court Program. It is a drug treatment court available to adults involved in the criminal justice system due to substance use disorder. The program goals are to help adults with substance use and mental health disorders cause from drugs, reduce the chances that they will return to the criminal justice system because of alcohol and drug use, and to reduce social and health costs to the community.

Participants must:

  • Be a resident of Wake County
  • Have a misdemeanor or felony class F, G, H conviction
  • Have a substance use disorder
  • Pending DWI charges or convictions
  • Willing to reside in a sober living environment
  • Be willing to participate in recovery court approved programs for medication and addiction treatment

Offenders are ineligible if:

  • They are known drug dealers
  • Have pending charges or convictions for drug trafficking
  • Taking legally prescribed narcotics
  • Are a sex offender
  • Have conviction for murder


County Manager David Ellis 919-856-6160
Clerk of the Court Blair Williams 919-856-5565
Sheriff Willie Rowe 919-856-6900
John H. Baker Public Safety Center
330 S. Salisbury St.
Raleigh, NC 27601
County Attorney Scott W. Warren 919-856-5500
Phone numbers are:
Judges David K. Baker, Sr. 919-792-4800
Jennifer Bedford
Julie L. Bell James Black
Eric C. Chasse
G. Bryan Collings
Craig Croom
Vartan A. Davidian
Michael J. Denning
Ashleigh Parker Dunston
Margaret P. Eagles
Keith O. Gregory
Mahsaman Hamadani
Rashad A. Hauter
Rebecca W. Holt
Cynthis Baddour Kenney
Jennifer J. Knox
Ned W. Mangum
Damion McCullers
Louis B. Meyer, III
Daniel Nagle
J. Brian Ratledge
Paul C. Ridgeway
Vince M. Rozier
Debra A. Sasser
A. Graham Shirley, II
Mark L. Stevens
Christine M. Walczyk
Anna E. Worley
Rhonda G. Young